Wednesday, November 09, 2005

How much is that doggie in the window? I do hope that doggie’s for sale…

Yay… I have been tagged at just the right time when I wasn’t sure what I felt like writing about. So here goes…

Seven Things I Plan To Do:
  1. Skydive
  2. Learn how to play guitar
  3. Get fit
  4. Tour Europe
  5. Get a dog
  6. Buy a convertible
  7. Design my own house

Seven Things I Can Do:
  1. Sing sing sing
  2. Survive quite happily on a diet of rice and curds and fried fish/chicken/mince/prawns/potato
  3. Sleep for 12 hours at a stretch
  4. Drink like a fish
  5. Shine academically
  6. Smoke like a hippie
  7. Make people laugh

Seven Things I Can't Do:
  1. Eat anything that has long slices of onion in it (or even any other kind of vegetable)
  2. Get out of bed without snoozing
  3. Drink gin
  4. Play particularly well at any sport
  5. Spend another Christmas without my family
  6. Spend my life without a furry four-legged companion of the canine variety
  7. Stop eating chocolate

Seven Things I Say Most Often:
  1. Fuckin’ hell
  2. Chooth (Hindi)
  3. Ey Watha (Tamil! I have no idea how the second word is spelt)
  4. As if
  5. Whatever
  6. Yeah right
  7. That only

I’m not tagging anyone but everyone is free to do it if they want… it’s a lot harder than it seems!

So then I analysed my things I plan to do list to see if I was close to any of them and I believe I am to some of them.

Skydive – just waiting for the right time or a trip to New Zealand

Learn how to play guitar – I can play notes E and F now. A friend gave me his old guitar which was very kind of him and he would’ve taught me more if everyone else present didn’t prefer him playing the guitar to me learning it. But I shall persevere…

Get fit – Been at the gym for almost two months now. Rather scared to check my weight and measure my waist because what if there hasn’t been any improvement?! Still I do feel slightly better so here’s hoping…

Tour Europe – Ideally, this will happen next year or the year after. But its just so expensive and I can see my entire life savings being blown away on the one trip to Europe. But I think it will be worth it… and its time I stopped spending every holiday of mine in India.

Get a dog – This one kills me the most. Right now I don’t have the house and backyard but more than that I keep wondering what the poor thing will do when I’m out of the house 50 hours a week! The dogs in Madras always had someone for company and when we returned from a holiday they’d let us know exactly how lonely they’d been by barking up a frenzy. Hey… that’s what my next post is going to be about… the story of all my darling dogs (and there were a few)

Buy a convertible – I really want to do this next year but there are many obstacles along the way like getting an Australian drivers licence (I’m quite certain I will fail the test – everyone does at least once) and of course, the big one – money! I could just buy any old car for less money but I think that since I don’t really need a car, it’d be fun to buy a cool car now at the age when I can do cool stuff and not want these things later in life when I am bogged down by shopping bags and car seats!

Design my own house – This seems the furthest away. In fact, I don’t think it’ll happen in this country in this lifetime (I’ll be lucky to even afford an average house off the block) unless I win the lottery… but since I don’t even play… I guess I can hope that I get a super high-paying job in India that will allow me to fulfil this plan…

So there you have it! Let's hope I make them all happen...


Momma J said...

I'm liking the post!

skydiving is def on my to do list. After this winter I bloody well do it. I've been saying this since I moved to this country!!!

You please tell me when you're planning you're Europe trip!! I think it will be fun to make a trip abroad with friends...ofcourse provided I am able to overcome my Visa problems! If Europe doesn't make the cut....either Costa Rica or somewhere in South America it is for me!!! Really!!!...and then ocourse the trip to the Oz land is pending :)

Rael Imperial Aerosol Kid said...

The guitar lessons will continue, for sure. worry not!
we might do it in the mornings next time, rather than when people are partying around us.
anyhooo, keep working on the E and F, and try moving on to the G perhaps...

D said...

amen to that penny...
specially the guitar and the house design thingy and of course the europe trip. it will happen...
i blew up all the money i had saved up and then some on a trip to europe with 2 friends of mine. was worth every penny (!!) i tell you

Archster said...

i want to learn to play the guitar as well! and design my house n all..

i think ill copy paste ur tag for mine :)

Rat said...

Can I come to Europe with you ?
Havnt we done this quiz before ?

AB said...

Ohh.. I too want to go on a Europe trip!!

sac said...

yes yes let me go put a root or two in england and then you come trample across europe. it's a must.

and i have no idea how 'watha' should be spelt, or for that matter its proper pronunciation. is it a hard or soft w? wo or wa? must keep ears peeled when in madras next.

Jax said...

I think I am going to bump into many a blogger during my Europe trip or during a U2 concert. More so, if I go to a U2 concert in Europe!

Kunal Daswani said...

When did you start blogging again!?!?! Tell your friends man! I also did this tag. Go see.

P.S. Can we start using your real name now since everybody knows or do i still have to call you penny?

Tartrazina said...

haha, glad you're stressing over the weighing scale/ measuring tape too..lemme know if your gymming has paid off PL! :o) good luck!

AB said...

Where have you disappeared to?

Kunal Daswani said...


sac said...

do you know, your official blogging break lasted 13 days? and it's been 16 since your last post?