Thursday, August 25, 2005

A Day in the Life...

Firstly, thank you all so much... for the comments, the emails and the overall moral support and sympathy. With many of you, I don't even know your real names and it's really very touching to feel your sympathy and compassion across the bits and bytes in such a manner. And Rat and I were chatting on MSN yesterday and she said Appachen is slightly famous in blogworld now. I think he would've liked that :) So anyway, there ended an era...

I played hooky from work today. I wasn't really planning on it and I was even awake at 9:00 in the morning but something inside just cried for some time for myself. Time to think, time to be alone, time to mourn, time to just run errands that I'm always too hungover to run on the weekends...

So I called in sick and spent a rather luxurious morning on the couch watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off on my day off. Believe it or not, I've never watched that teenage classic before. How fucking cute is Matthew Broderick in it? When he was lip synching Twist & Shout at the parade (such a cute scene), I wished I had watched the movie in high school so I could've had a terriby desperate school girl's crush on him. Ah well...

After lunch (Nutella sandwiches) and a shower, I set off for a jaunt around the city. What I miss most about student life is walking around the city in the daytime. Of course, then, I had no money so I could only walk and look. And of course, now, I have no time to do anything. Today was a glorious winter's day. Bright sunshine and no wind, so just the tiniest little nip in the air and really a very pleasant day to walk about in. So I ran a couple of errands and then proceeded to the optometrist for a checkup. God has blessed me with the constitution of an ox but when it comes to my teeth and my eyes, He has always played a rather cruel game with me. Admittedly, I didn't help the situation much by eating chocolate all the time and not brushing twice a day or reading by candlelight when the power went out and never touching carrots, but still... So anyway, visits to the dentist and optometrist are always dreaded although my last visit to the dentist was pretty non-eventful very surprisingly. So anyway, I wear contact lenses and my eyes have been bothering me for a while now... a general irritation and soreness... and after putting my eyes through much torture (this includes those bloody alphabet tests, I HATE THEM, I'm always certain to fail the tiniest letters test) the optometrist says "You're not going to like me" and I'm thinking uh oh and ask "Why" and he's like "You need to stop wearing your lenses for a while. You have a Conjunctivitis allergy". So, I have to wear my horrible glasses continuously for a week or so. I haven't done that since age 14. My glasses don't look horrible but after wearing lenses all the time, going back to wearing glasses is so fucking uncomfortable. And what about when it rains? What then, HUH?? Ok, I'll stop throwing a tantrum like a small child now!

After the depressing visit to the optometrist and wearing my GLASSES instead of my sunglasses, I set off to get my eyebrows done. My regular place was booked out and I tried this tiny Wax & Nail place and the lady said all the professionals were busy so if I wouldn't mind getting it done by a student... I was slightly hesitant but really wanted to get them done so went ahead. So I lay on the bed and closed my eyes and heard much muttering in a foreign language from the two petite Asian "students" attending to my eyebrows. I was rather concerned that it was all going to go horribly wrong but by this point there was nothing I could do. On the whole, it turned out ok. Certainly could've done with more shaping but at least I still have two of them in reasonable shape.

Then I ate an ice-cream (Baskin Robbins Triple Choc... as I am also on weight loss mentality, shouldn't have but what the hell) and spent some time messaging this lazy Rat who informed me that she had taken sickie due to hangover. Tsk tsk... I wish I could've also taken sickie for such a fun reason!

Finally I went into Borders to buy some more books (also on the agenda for today was to join a library but didn't have time in the end)... I'm currently going through books at a highly frantic pace and really need to join a library to curb the spending on books. But I tell you, going into a bookstore for me is like a kid in a candy store or my boyfriend in an electronics store or car accessories store. And always I wish I could just take over the whole store. Oooh, I think maybe one day I should run a bookstore... it will make me very happy! Today I purchased a 4 book compilation of Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot mysteries.

Oh, also dashed into Church real quick. Outstanding Catholic (Catholic who never goes inside Church and always stands outside, joke from some jobless uncles of mine) that I am, its been a really long time and I felt the need as I frequently do when it's been more than a couple of months and also the need to pray for the departed soul of my grandfather and all that. The Church has installed these automatic doors and I was rather alarmed when they swung open almost in my face with a great loud creak... I totally missed the signs that said 'Automatic Doors opening outwards. Stay clear'! Anyway, they proved to be highly distracting with that loud creak even when you were inside the Church.

So now I am home again. Been chatting with Lavi who is making me all homesick for such items as roti and mattar paneer. All I have for dinner is puff pastry which serves as roti when made on the tawa and some rather suspect Dum Murgh I made last night. Well, Dum Murgh is what Sanjeev Kapoor calls it... he is my latest recipe book man... it is really just a glorified chicken curry and actually its not all that bad. Anyway, all this talk of food has made me rather hungry. The rest of my day will involve eating leftovers, watching the season finale of Lost and oooh, almost forgot, I need to pack. I'm heading off to the mountains tomorrow for a ski/snowboard weekend, not that I've ever attempted either. Been to the snow once before though... was quite a chill experience (pun intended)!! And on Monday I go to Sydney on work so I hope to be back in blogworld by Tuesday at the latest ;)


Pink said...

All that while we were chatting and you didn't mention you were going to the mountains for the weekend! Sounds like so much fun...pls take pictures and have fun!

SV said...

Dum Murgh sounds awesome !! Damn, I wish I had some of that .

shakester said...

ah have a good time!
i have never seen snow, can you imagine??!

shakester said...

and dont break anything while snowboarding/skiing!

Rat said...

Have fun babe !!! And thanks for telling the whole world I bunked work because of a hang over :P

Momma J said...

everytime i've had the opportunity to go skiing/snowboarding something always came up...i think i'm jinxed when it comes to experiencing that...but i sure do hope to change that next season...destination lake tahoe it is next winter!!!! Go have fun and skii away to glory.

Good to know u had a lazy day off and wandered around the streets of Melbourne. For some strange reson I can actually picture you doing that. Now that i'm not a student and dont have the luxury of a work day off.... everything needs to be packed in over the weekends. To have fun and take care of all the chores you always leave for the weekend can get quite exhausting. Now those 48 hours alone FLY by...whereas the rest of the 5 days take forever...well maybe not....time really is flying.... Anyways the next weekend (not this one) is going to be my long weeknd which i'm dying for!!!! Y is coming to visit me and i'm sure its going to be lots of fun..lots of drinking...and lots of trips down memory lane!!!!YAY!!! just like when you came here :)

Blogging is so else will i know whats going on in each of your lives with each of us being so far away!!!

Internet our saviour...i've become mad......I went for a run by the beach...and i saw 2 dolphins....and i feel very happy for some reason.....

ok i'm going to stop now!!! bye

Rat said...

And I cannot beleive you have not seen Ferris Beulers day off before !!

AB said...

Hey missed out on the last day's post. Love the description of your Appachen. It almost made me cry.

I have never had the love of one. On both sides they passed away when I was very young.

Dr. Pissed said...

Goto be honest and inform you before hand that I aint hitting on you but I think a most chicks who wear glasses are frigging HOT!!
Especially those nice secretary kinda glasses (black frame and stuff) coupled with a white shirt and a pair of Levi 530's and your sorted.. You know what I mean...

Jay said...

I wear glasses at home and at work, but contact lenses everywhere else. I look awful in glasses. :(

And you just reminded me that it's been awhile since my last trip to the dentist. :(

the cowlick said...

Wouldn't the snow be melting by now? Weather is truly heaven now.. except for the wind of course.. Waiting for the last bit of winter fight back... Have fun!

Penny Lane said...

Lavi: Yeah, I don't know why. I think I just forgot!

Sharad: It was actually pretty good. But today I have nothing to eat at home :( Haven't been grocery shopping in ages...

Akr: I hadn't seen snow either until 2002, and no bones broken :)

Naaz: I liked that pic of you on your ass. I had many such similar experiences ;)

Rat: And thanks for filling me in on everything :p And I really don't know why I never watched Ferris B's Day Off before

Jo: Yeah, you are mad :) Why don't you start your own blog?

Ab: Yeah, I am pretty lucky to have known all 4 really well and still have 3!

Dr. Pissed: :D Yeah, I know what you mean :p What are 530s? Can't remember. I prefer 517s myself, but they don't make them anymore, ASSHOLES!

Jay: Awwww... the angelic Chinese boy wears glasses. Don't go to the dentist, just use Listerine... it really works, I'm telling you!

Cowlick: No... it was perfect. Yeah, missed out on the good Melbourne weather this weekend but the weather there was also awesome!

D said...

how was skiing??

Dr. Pissed said...

Yeah they do.. I wear 517's almost everyday. Will send you a photograph of the label, but then you'd have to make do with a little skin too..

shakester said...

ok lah, its tuesday, o'readi- where skiing stories?