That’s what the chief protagonists of the game Risk kept telling me last evening when I asked what the game was about as I’d never played before. “So, what’s the game about”, I asked. “It’s all about world domination”, he replied. “So how do you play the game”, I asked. “You try and totally dominate the world”, he replied. Four hours and many defeated armies later I couldn't have put it better myself. Essentially the globe is equitably divided between all the players and you attack other territories and defend your own. And you have little infantry men standing guard on your territories and the image of these little men with their guns pointing upward are strangely chilling (especially when you’re getting ready to attack) even though you know its only a game. Although, some of us playing had difficulty remembering it was just a game… Wives annihilated husbands, friends turned on friends, Egypt declared “jihad” on North America, even my own S very seriously said to me, “If I have to get rid of you, I will… because this is war baby and there ain’t no love here”.
There was no winner… it might’ve turned into a physical fight if we’d continued to battle each other to the death on the board. We tried playing Dumb Charades after but that turned into a shouting match as well because I think we were all still smarting from our global domination efforts and the extra rowdy effect caused by all the beer. I’d forgotten how much of a hangover six bottles of beer can give you. This morning was NOT cool.
The first half of the weekend was also fun. Friday night was the usual piss-up and I met up with a few people I hadn’t seen in a while. There was some drunken Harry Potter discussion also I feel. At home, I felt the urge as I quite frequently do when drunk to call someone and I decided to honour my sister with the call this time but she had her phone switched off. And then I couldn’t stop myself from calling my Mom to find out what was up with that. I sooooo need not stop ringing my parents and/or grandparents when drunk. Surely they must know that I am heavily intoxicated.. the late hour, the slightly higher pitched voice, the extra laughing for things I normally wouldn’t laugh at, always some drunken boys in the background being loud and abusive and sometimes even singing the National Anthem… they were doing that on Friday. My parents were like what the hell is going on and I’m like they’re singing the freaking National Anthem and I have no clue why. But anyway, mostly they also just laugh and don’t bring up the drinking which is very good of them as the next morning I am always incredibly embarrassed about having called them whilst under the influence.
Something they said though just stuck with me the whole weekend. My 15 year old sister was out a friend’s house and they were on their way to pick her up and they said, “It’s almost like we’re alone now. Its like both our daughters have left home”. When I was 15 and treating my house like a hotel, my sister was always at home. But now she’s started leading her own life too and I can’t imagine how that must be for parents, to come home to an empty house all the time.
Anyway, for now, she’s still there on a part-time basis at least. Apparently she’s playing the “You let my older sister go out all the time” card quite often these days and that is such bullshit… I went out quite a bit but she still seems to be doing things a couple of years in advance and the path is just so much easier for her since I’ve done it all before. I think that after fighting with me tooth and nail about my partying lifestyle (okay, that was an exaggeration, they got over it in a few months) and seeing that nothing really happened to me, its easy for them to be mellow and more unconcerned about my sister. Still, they don’t have too much of a clue of what its really like for a teenager these days and I think that that 15 year old kid sister of mine will warrant some watching in the years to come!
I think R is going to be a lot wilder than you ;)
When did you start drinking beer ?
My ex taught me how to play Risk during a rainy holiday in some beach resort and I totally got addicted to it. And yes, it got verrrry competitive too.
Three thoughts on the post..
Younger sibling are dangerous man.. they really get the good stuff too early in life!Its funny but I think the generation gap between us and the next is gonna be bigger than what we had with our parents.
My last memory of RISK was playing with Joshua and my sis.. the bugger never understood the game and just kept getting into battle to piss me off!.hmmm..great guy
Oh yeah.. i play games thinking its a matter of life or death too.. made R cry once.
Nice post.
I've never even heard of that game before... but it sure does sound like fun...anything that involves fighting and shouting is likely to involve me!!
BTW, did you get our (Rat and mine) CDs as yet?
Well, I am the younger sibling and I have definitely done things which my bro would never have thought of doing. If I had waited for him to show me daylight, I would have waited forever:)
By the way, Risk sounds fun. It seems ages I have played any board games.
Hey, excellent idea to start playing the guitar ! It's never too late !
I think you should be fine if you bought yourself a guitar and a book, but its kinda hard to learn off a book especially if you can't read music , or haven't learnt an instrument before.
My guitar education started off with a few ridiculously simple chords that my brother and a friend of mine showed me how to play ( A , D ,G , E , etc ), and that was enough to take me through some basic Def Leppard and Eagles strumming. You can find guitar tablature on the internet for any chord and pretty much any song you want, and tabs are very very easy to read. Try ultimate-guitar.com, or harmony central or something - they're much easier to understand than the formal music notation you'd get in a book.
Its always a good idea to start playing on a borrowed guitar though, just to see if you remain interested long enough. Good luck !
ah, I have heard much about Risk, and all gushing stuff....
the piss up sounds great- and drunk calls are so fun, even if we shouldn't be making them (to parents?!)
and I know.....one already cannot get things about younger people . I often hear younger sibling have the better of it, though I am yet to meet one who agrees!
Rat: Yeah, she's become such a hottie also. But still, she hasn't done some things yet that I'd already done (or maybe she lies to me). And beer is never my beverage of choice but sometimes the beer buzz is quite nice and there's only so much rum and coke I can drink in one weekend!!
Jay: Why were you playing board games with your boyfriend during a rainy holiday in some beach resort? Why were you not having wild uninhibited sex?
Ketchi: It is just a game :) Poor R!
Lavi: Yeah, we must play such loud games as Pictionary when I come. And no, that person STILL hasn't arrived.
Neha: Yeah, that's what! What shit no for us older siblings.
AB: Well I think I have shown her too much daylight thus far! If she becomes an alcoholic its fully my fault. And yeah, board games are awesome fun.
Sharad: Thanks for the tips. I know how to play the piano so I get the whole chords thing and can read music and stuff. I just need to work out all the positioning.
Vague: Haha, yeah... totally with you on the drunk phone calls. I think there's a new feature on some phone services here that won't allow you to dial certain numbers without a code... and I think when you are drunk, you are likely to mess it all up. So maybe that's what I need with my parents numbers ;) And are you a younger or older sibling or an only child?
It's so cool that someone is talking about Paul's grandfather ! He's one of my favourite characters in the movie! And no drugs for the old man - poor guy was "nursing a broken heart"
Black House is a book he co-wrote with this other horror-fiction writer Peter Straub. He'd written something else with him earlier, and the problem is, both books SUCK! Sometimes King amazes me by writing utterly crap books like The Girl who Loved Tom Gordon, etc, but then makes up for all that with this other awesome stuff.
I heart Risk! Also, just as a warning in case we were to ever meet during one of my famous Game Nights.... I kick ass at Charades.
Sharad: Really? I don't remember that. But then the last time I watched it was really drunk!
Liquid: Hey, you have no idea how good you have it as a younger sis. Such cool hand me downs no? My poor sister.. we give her lots of grief about the whole hand me down business:)
Mint: Ok, I'm definitely on your team then :)
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