By the way, I was extremely wasted when I wrote that last entry. I’m not sure if anyone picked up on that… skilful that I am at hiding my highness. Haha, as if… you can always tell if I’m high from a mile away. But anyway, I was high on wine so I myself was not fully aware of the extent of my highness. Wine is so strange that way… two glasses pretty much get you to the “I’m so happy” stage and after that it can go either way really quickly for me… feel really sleepy, head starts hurting, bad mood, stomach contents start heading north, etc. etc. OR drink a few glasses more, everything is fine as wine as far as stomach contents go, head buzzes quite happily, and anything goes in terms of dancing, singing, eating, etc. etc. But still at the end of this nice side of wine also my head eventually starts hurting and sleep beckons and all and the next morning always feels like a professional football team spent the whole night practicing in my head. And I know what you’re thinking… ah, it must be all the cheap wine, but no, my wine hangovers do not discriminate. Once, my visiting uncle took us to an incredible fancy Italian restaurant/wine bar and we tried at least three different types of fucking expensive wine and it was the same old saga the next morning. So why do I drink wine you ask? I’m not entirely sure… sometimes there’s nothing else on offer, sometimes my stomach is too full to handle anything heavy like spirits and Coke, sometimes I think “Oh yes, two glasses of wine to get a nice buzz and no more drinking because I don’t want to get drunk”… that plan always fails of course because I can never halt at that nice buzz stage… I prefer to not drink at all or just get totally wasted… There’s nothing worse than running out of booze when you’re halfway there… its really like taking you to the top of the mountain and showing you what you can’t have.
Well anyway, we have established that wine and me are not best friends. Having said that though, I absolutely adore homemade wine and Christmas in Madras is always a bumper season of slamming bottles of homemade wine. Every time I’ve had a wine party at my house on Christmas night, everyone pretty much has a bottle for themselves. Much fun. Must remind Mom to start stocking bottles for this year, now only.

Wine’s close compatriot is beer of course. Mmm… Beer… Come to think of it, beer is possibly the first taste of alcohol I ever had because my Dad was in the habit of giving me tiny sips now and then when I was a kid because I used to think it looked absolutely wonderful… the golden colour and the white froth and all. How funny, I was just typing this and thinking about my Dad and he calls unexpectedly. There are forces at work a lot of the time I tell you. Anyway, I never really enjoyed beer until I came to Australia. And by the way Fosters is a really shit Australian beer and no one here drinks it… how they bloody promote it in India like it’s as synonymous with Australia as Waltzing Matilda.
But there’s a time and a place for beer and again I am limited to what conditions I can drink it in. For example, if I’m starting my drinking on a Friday evening and plan to be out until the wee hours, beer is a big No No because my stomach just feels really full and all the gas builds up and I just feel like I’m going to explode. But if I’m just hanging out on a warm Sunday afternoon in the park playing cards and Dumb Charades and have no deeds to do before I sleep, I’m quite happy to drink three beers and go to bed with a smile on my face and a lovely beer buzz in my head. Its also quite pleasing to sip a cold beer when everyone and everything is winding down after a huge night of partying and all we can afford is a Rs.100 bottle of Kingfisher compared to the relatively expensive Rs.150 for an Old Monk & Coke… I’m just randomly quoting figures by the way, I can’t really remember the prices. But I think that when it comes to taste, there is no other alcohol that is quite as exciting as beer because there is just so much freaking variety. I’ve tried many different beers from different countries and some of my personal favourites are Australia’s own
Beez Neez, Belgium’s
Stella Artois, Australia’s
James Boags, Mexico’s
Corona (without the lemon though), and quite recently I was introduced to a very delicious German beer called
Hansa Pils. Mmm… Beer…

Moving on to my favourite alcohol genre… Spirits… in all shapes and sizes… well, actually not… I’m quite fussy here also. Let’s talk vodka. Most people I know first started drinking with vodka. I don’t why this was but when I think about that horrible Romanov vodka we used to drink for lack of better options I seriously wonder how it did not just kill us… that too, we used to only take shots when we first started… The only picture this presents in my head is one of acid corroding our insides. But anyway, it was all good fun to get SMASHED on two shots of vodka… so much cheaper and nicer on the waistline also because of no added Coke calories… Since those heady “get smashed on two drinks” days, quality of vodka has improved steadily. All the Absolut and Smirnoff varieties available these days make for nary a dull moment. And has anyone tried Stolichnaya vodka? I’m not sure if its very good or not but I have had a couple of fun nights on this vodka. But still, vodka is still not what really gets my juices flowing. I’ll drink it if there’s nothing else but wouldn’t really go out and buy some for myself… although, there is a very nice ad on TV these days for something called Absolut Cut and the ad is incredibly tempting, so we’ll see. And how about the rumour that vodka causes impotence in men… don’t know how true it is but I do share this tip with any boy I know who drinks vodka. And then there’s that whole “oh, but vodka doesn’t smell so its perfect to avoid letting your parents what you’ve really been up to” but that is such bull crap… all forms of alcohol smell and it doesn’t matter if you take two shots or two sips… anyone with a keen sense of smell (like me) will immediately be able to tell if you’ve been naughty or nice
It seems there is a lot more to cover than I originally thought so looks like this will have to be continued. But in the meantime, do share your views on wine, beer and vodka. White or red? Best beer ever? Drank vodka the very first time you drank? And if you’re a teetotaller, I’d like to hear from you too… and hang on, don’t call AA yet… I only drink once a week except for holidays and special occasions…
To be continued…
My quick meaningful guide for getting high..hehe..nice post.. quite sums up my choices..
I'm not a beer person though..but definately an all in all a wine person..(white)..
Vodka would be my preference if there is no wine..but there is this one drink that i love to have when i'm in the mood to just get wasted..2-3 rounds of BULL FROG and there you are..
If you haven't then try it..Good Stuff..5 spirits mixed together..:)
PS: Sambooka and Tequilla shots also do the trick
I am not a big Vodka fan. But I went to a Smirnoff cocktail making workshop and learnt to mix some drinks that can taste much better than Vodka+Sprite. Martini, shaken not stirred is goooood. I love Margaritas, although they taste better with Tequila instead of Vodka. Shaken vodka with crushed ice and litchi and mint is a great party drink that you can keep gulping down without realizing theres something alcoholic in it.Never enjoyed drinking wine, but remember becoming very funny after two glasses!:D I love draught beer, but hate the fact that I have to drink a whole pitcher and visit the loo 3 times before I start feeling that beer buzz! All this talk is making me thirsty!
yup- vodka was the first 'spirit'- romanov, brihan's and kremlin (from the canteen), blue moon, white mischief....boy i got smashed on those. Absolut kinda spoils you, and Finlandia is great as well.
but Beer ROCKS. I very often start off with a beer maybe one, not more than two usually, before moving onto other stuff.
I am really surprised cos wine I thought never leaves a nasty hangover. I have been high on it now innumerable times and that too once or twice on assignments. Sheesh it was embarrassing. The amount of beer you have tried I am impressed. Never liked beer much though.
And how the hell did you manage to down neat shots of vodka?
Re beers, you absolutely must get your hands on a pint of Hoegaarden. belgian, i think, cloudy-white and vaguely lemony. creates a spot and hits it.
and the one to avoid is Carling. fermented water.
I've had so much more wine in the past few months that I think i'm a converted wine drinker!! Anyways White for me....
Beer is a no no for me. Never quite fancied it much. And the fear of my already existing belly turning into a beer belly does not seem very appealing!
I can't remember my first drink (you can't count the sips of whiskey and rum I used to have from my dads glass when I was little)..Its just too freaking long back. I wonder which i'd rather admit to...getting older or starting to drink at an early age!! i'll safely resort to temp amnesia :)
I think Grey goose is one of the best Vodka i've tasted. A dirty martini (grey goose vodka) and the olive et all...mmm i think thats one of the best drinks i've had!
Love white wine.. great buzz.. nver had a hangover with it (that's probably coz I don't drink much). Hate Red wine.. hits me too fast. Hate beer...bitter..eeuch. Not a big fan of Vodka either. Rum is my thing!
Started off with Hard Core black rum. Switched to Vodka though in the recent past. Simply because it smells less and somewhat less of a hangover the next day.
Moving back with parents was the reason !!!
Just cant drink beer man.
pliss to be trying the pepper vodka shots with tomato juice chasers at zara when you come down! lip smackin' good! as they say!
I didn't know Stella Artois was Belgian - i thought it was British trying to sound French. And yeah it's pretty popular here.Good german beer - Erdinger !
I dont drink too much, only at parties, and haven't got totally drunk too often. Its fun to read your stuff tho- please go on :)
SBK: One round of Bull Frog coming up ;)
Jax: My my, aren't we the cocktail expert ;) I swear, I just wanted to drink after I wrote that :)
Akr: Oh my god, that army stuff was so freaking potent, I swear! Oh, I like Finlandia as well...
Ab: Yeah, its just me and wine that are the problem! I don't know how we drank vodka shots... but the Russians do it every day!
Sac: I have had Hoegarden many times but I'm not the biggest fan. S just LOVES it!
JR: Even I like only white wine! Grey Goose sounds interesting...
Lavi: I just HATE red wine. And rum is my thing too :)
Rat: You're not fooling anyone with your vodka drinking missy ;)
Wishful Thinker: Really? Sounds a bit scary to me :)
Hiren: No really... I have mellowed big time :)
Broken Verses: Oh yeah, jello shots are awesome... we've also injected a watermelon with vodka... that was pretty good too!
Sharad: They have these really funny Stella ads here... and I think some of the best beers are Belgian... Don't get drunk too often? WHAT? Just kidding :)
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