Monday, July 11, 2005

Love is...

Love is little things

Love is saying I love you many times a day even after 5.5 years

Love is waking up and showering first just to let me sleep a little longer even though you start work later

Love is letting me snooze for an hour every morning

Love is emailing me I love you (in big bold rich text formatted 72 point font) everyday

Love is cooking two separate versions of paneer rolls because I can’t bear to eat onions with mine

Love is saying I am the most beautiful girl in the world even when I look my worst

Love is going out (after having settled down for the evening) to get me something that I need urgently and letting me stay at home so I won’t have to miss my favourite TV program

Love is bringing me breakfast in bed

Love is making me cold coffee at midnight

Love is getting me takeaway food and DVDs on a Saturday night when I am too lazy and sleepy to move

Love is taking me from one mall to another, all at different corners of the city and sometimes back again to the starting point and doing it all over again the next weekend just so I can get the best deals on my pre-holiday gifts shopping

Love is rolling me a joint even when you are too stoned and/or sleepy to smoke anymore

Love is letting me sit by the heater when we’ve both just come in from the cold

Love is getting drunk with me and letting me have the last drop of alcohol or the last sip of coke

Love is making me laugh by acting silly or making fun of yourself

Love is my picture on your phone as the wallpaper

Love is sitting through half an hour of traffic just to pick me up from work

Love is (or was, more like it because this happened at one point in our lives in Madras) driving 20 km from your house to pick me up from mine and then driving 40 km from my house to the beach house party or beach disco we were going to and then driving back 40 km to drop me home and then driving 20 km back to your house

Love is letting me have control of the remote

Love is letting me listen to the Beatles and Pink Floyd when you are not in the mood to listen to them

Love is moving the LP player to the room so I can listen to music whilst drunk when you want to sleep and just want to have me beside you

Love is reaching out to hold my hand when you are already asleep and can subconsciously feel me nudging you to stop you snoring

Love is spooning in the early hours of the morning to keep warm

Love is tucking my hair behind my ears

Love is keeping your distance after you’ve just smoked a cigarette because you know I can’t bear the smell

Love is asking me what I’m going to eat for dinner that night and take for lunch the next day

Love is taking me to Mark’s every week to eat spaghetti Bolognese

Love is buying me something every time you buy yourself something

Love is giving me spontaneous hugs

Love is putting me before you

And to borrow from the words of one of my favourite poets John Lennon:
Love is you, you and me


Rat said...

Wow, so beautiful Penny Lane !! You should show this to S.

Nat said...

yeah you really should. So sweet and so true. Love really is the little things.

Ketchi said...

I too freeked out to comment!

Mint Chutney said...

Very, very sweet.

Once the Conman said...

And what would YOU do for the guy you love?

Jay said...

My gawd... I'm SO showing NM this post. I might even print it out as a To-Do list - for him, I mean.


Penny Lane said...

Rat, Sista T, Neha: S always says that I never appreciate the things he does for me so yeah, will definitely show it to him so he knows I notice all these little things!

Broken verses: OH MY GOD? 58? Where do you keep them?

Ketchi: Why you freaked out?

Liquid sunshine: It'll happen again! It always does...

Mint Chutney: Welcome

Yours truly: I'll save that for another post

Jay: Hahaha, good idea! You could always try some of the things yourself you know ;)

Ketchi said...

Well..from a guys perspective .. I think you should add a "what u get in return" for evey line there ;).

The way I see it,the job requirements are clear.. but wats the remuneration,benefits..blah..blah!!

My freekin out apart.. that was some deep stuff man.. I could never ever think of all that! WOW

Pink said...

Reading this from home as I'm very sick (throat infection etc.) and despite the headache and the burning eyes I just had to comment because this is one of the nicest posts i've read in a long time. So very sweet :)

Love is also sitting by my bed in silence when I'm too sick to speak, just to be with me.

Ok, time to gargle.

sameer said...

wow, looks like you've definitely found love. :)

and what is it with the remote???? :)

Momma J said...

Awesome!! Its the wierdest stupidest strangest smallest things which make you realize how much more in love you are than the big acts and expressions of Love!!!

Jax said...

...and then she told me "Baby, sometimes love just aint enough!"

A and A said...

penny lane...i dunno what to say so im not going to say anything...more power to you!

Penny Lane said...

Neha: R better not hate me now for how much you're going to annoy him about this!

Ketchi: Well, these were never requirements. They just kinda happened along the way and in return, well, you'll have to ask him about that!

Lavi: Oh no, what happened child? Hope you're gargling with salt water! Nice "love is"

Kafka: Welcome! When I get home from work in the evenings, all I want to do is lord over the couch and be queen of the remote so I can watch whatever I want to watch. Left to 2 boys, sometimes we end up watching some weird shit!

Jo: I refuse to write that whole name of yours :p And I hear you!!

Jax: Welcome! And better luck next time :p

Broken verses: Awesome about the waiting! Speechless about the shoes.

Wishful thinker: More power to me indeed!

Vikram said...

makes you rolls.. gets you coffee..

i think you need a phull-time-house-help!
