Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Oh excitement... I've just booked my tickets to Madras. I know its five months away but unless you get in early, its extremely hard to get flights around Christmas.

Okay, already the excitement is waning because now I just have to twiddle my thumbs for many months. Also, I have to somehow slip it to my boss that I'm planning *another* four week vacation at the end of the year. To be fair, my last one to the US was three weeks but there was also two weeks to India last October which have mysteriously not been deducted from my accumulation of annual leave. Not that I'm complaining of course... maybe they would've been deducted if I'd *officially* applied for it, but at the time I didn't and nobody else did on my behalf either so my annual leave account is still looking very healthy!

Anyway, now I must get working on this New Years trip to Goa as no one has gotten of their fat ass and done shitole thus far!! First Rat and I must decide what exactly we are going to do... I don't want to spend too many days away from home and now there are some added complications of weddings and all! So come on Rat, make up your bloody mind. Then, I must work the Madras crowd and get them organised into booking tickets, accomodation, etc. The last trip to Goa would sooo not have happened without the brilliant organisational skills of Sista T and me! It's going to be tough... especially since I'm sitting here oceans away. At least the last time I could annoy them about it everyday.

Ah well, if it happens, it happens. If it doesn't happen, all I care about is bringing in the New Years with the same people and it doesn't really matter if that happens in Disco Valley, Goa or some random beach house in Madras.


Rat said...

Theres lot of time penny lane :) Why dont you show us your excellent organisational skills this year as well ?

Rat said...

And hello it does matter. I'm sorry we are not spending new years in a beach house in chennai.

Jade said...

Hey, hope your trip works out fine.. Man, you must have a fun job if you can just take off four weeks like that!

Pink said...

Yaay! We DOOO need more excitement in this city...come soon :)

Ketchi said...

Hey.. new person in chennai.. kick ass!

Penny Lane said...

Neha dearest, how could I forget. This was about things I need to organise from here. I can write pages on things to look forward to in Madras and your wedding would figure top on the list... So I will wait a couple of months and then start dreaming about my holiday or it will surely drive me mad!

Broken Verses: Yeah, me too!

Rat: How can you say it matters... Isn't all that matters that you have ME beside you??!! And I have started organising - So there!!

Thetis- :) What does your nickname mean by the way?

Darkmatter: You are making it sound super dodgy! Where is Chapora anyway?

Jasmine: In Australia, everyone gets four weeks of annual leave. They are quite lazy, not that I'm complaining!!

Lavi: Soon soon.

Ketchi: Yeah, for a month and then back to the grind it will be for me!

Nat said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you've booked your tickets. Waiting to see you. Last time I was kinda in a daze when you were here so this time should be awesome.

Thetis said...

linking you..
oh, thetis is achilles' mother (greek mythology)

Momma J said...

I can't believe all this vacation time you get!! good for you girl!!! I'm so done for without any vacation....i have no idea what i'm going to do...I so badly want to go home in december..and at the end of 6 months i get exactly one week....and I can't even carry over my vacation from one year to the next. I have to start working on my boss starting now....sigh the other side of being a working woman!!!

Penny Lane said...

Sista T: Yeah, you better plan lots of time in Madras when I'm there!

Thetis: Awesome... I've been meaning to link you for ages but am just damn lazy to go modify the template!

Jo: Yeah, that's the coolest thing about Australia. They're talking about cutting it down to 2 weeks a year! And that's when I'll leave the country...