Wednesday, July 06, 2005

No Ordinary Day

Today has been different

Item 1:
It is such a warm winter’s day, I cannot express my joy at having had such weather… trust Melbourne to be so out of whack… there have been summer days way colder than today. It was really really pleasant drowsily waiting at the tram stop in the sun… it even became kinda hot after a while but I was too lazy to remove my scarf and winter coat… so that was a pleasant change

Item 2:
There was a very nice tram inspector on board my tram this morning. I do not evade fares (any more). I got away with fare evasion when I was a poor student but made a deal with God (kinda blasphemous but what to do) that if I didn’t get caught and fined during my struggling student days, I would definitely buy a ticket once I started working. So now I buy monthly tickets and the other day the stupid validator on the tram was all crook and completely messed up my ticket. I know that when this happens you’re expected to buy yourself a new ticket and get in touch with the authorities that be to send you a replacement ticket. But there was no way I was spending another $100 the day after I bought the fucking ticket and then mail the old ticket to the authorities, etc… it would just lie on my desk for days on end and I’d be $100 poorer… So I decided to take my chances on travelling with my screwed up ticket and today the tram inspector was very nice about it. He gave me a “permit” to travel for another month (he just took my word for when the ticket was meant to expire) and didn’t fine me or anything. Very nice… normally these fuckers are just dying to do you in!!

Item 3:
My company is introducing performance management for the first time and we had a session on what it all meant. It got me all fired up thinking about career progression and what not but having known my boss for 1.5 years, I find it very hard to imagine actually seriously sitting down with him and planning all this out. That one is going to be a real challenge.

Item 4:
There was an actuary in this session and he decided that since I was from IT (I only work in the department, I’m not actually a developer or anything) I could answer all the questions he’s always wanted to ask about IT and never could! So I patiently answered all his questions about the passwords for different systems and why we couldn’t just have the ONE password for ALL the bloody systems… This didn’t really fit under “what was so different about today” but just thought I’d add it in anyway!

Item 5:
My boyfriend S has been having debilitating back problems off late and today the chiropractor told him to just chill at home for the next few days and not damage his back further by sitting on the uncomfortable chair at work… what a lucky bastard! I mean, yeah, poor fellow, he really is in a lot of pain, but as I’m typing this he’s happily watching DVDs at home while I toil and toil to bring home the bread (hahaha… that only ;))! So anyway, he was around here at lunchtime and we had lunch together which is quite rare since our workplaces are far apart… it was also damn funny because we picked up our housemate as well because S needed something from him and our entire household had lunch together on a week day… cannot remember the last time that happened! It reminds me of the day when I took a sickie from work due to a massive hangover from too much wine the previous night and that just happened to be the hottest day of 2005 so these guys decided to come back home around noon and we then proceeded to the beach and had a very enjoyable time indeed playing hookey from our respective workplaces!

Item 6:
In the midst of all my performance management sessions, lunches with boyfriends, blogging, etc., etc., I have managed to do quite a bit of work today!!

I’m off for the day now… the rest of you’ll in different time zones, happy rest of the day!


Rat said...

what the hell is a chiropractor ?
Damn it, when I had back problems all the damn doctor said was everyone who sit at the computer 8 hours a day gets this.

Pink said...

Sounds like a good day. Mine was not so productive so I'm a lil' bugged.

A and A said...

woke up, bugged rat,ate, slept,woke up...on my way out! my very stressful lifestyle needs a mid-week break you see! ;-)

Jay said...

When I studied in Melbourne back in '97, my flatmate inherited a stack of tram tickets from her brother and sister who'd both studied there years earlier. Back then the tickets had holes punched in for the day and month - but NOT THE YEAR.

So she had a whole year's worth of tickets, and she'd pick the appropriate one every day to use and travel for free.

Speechless? I know I was.

Penny Lane said...

Rat: A chiropractor is a doctor kinda guy who does things for your back I think. AND back issues because of uncomforable chairs are a HUGE issue... he can sue the company and all so they're getting all stressed and running around filing incident reports about what happened to him. So he should get the chiro covered! Come and work here Rat!

Lavi: It was my first productive day in many many days so don't worry!

Wishful thinker: You fucking students man... what I would give to lead the life again!

Neha: No day is ordinary (that sounds very trite and stereotyped, I know ;))

Jay: Wow... talk about planning! I guess the Met smartened up big time since then although it is still relatively easy to evade if you are willing to keep a look out! Where'd you study in Melbourne?