Sunday, June 05, 2005

Chicago, Chicago, that toddlin' town...

I still have memories of singing that in my head in 1999 when I visited the windy city for the first time… I had a wonderful time then… I seem to recall a dear journal entry from the time that read something like ‘As soon as I stepped off the train, I fell in love with Chicago’… This time was no different if only slightly colder… still very drunk getting off the tiny plane at O’Hare Airport… pancakes and lots of water laughing about last night and the weekend before… a power nap and cute Greek waiters for lunch… three blue men and a surreal experience… white wine after white wine (and that was just me, there was also Corona after Corona) and bar after bar… ending up with Martyrs and Psycho Dots… a drive home with all the people in the car falling asleep including the driver (as we learnt the next morning)… a lazy church-less Sunday morning… a Melbourne Italian meatball sub in Chicago… shopping for shoes and jeans leaving poor little psychodog in the car… what up G… oh, let’s not forget psycho new neighbour Eva… an evening spent cooking chicken curry (the dinner that kept on giving… hahaha… I laughed my ass off at that one) and playing scrabble (I lost miserably in spite of being the Barista Queen of Scrabble… remember that time in our lives girls…)… my aunt passing out at 10 pm… what do you expect after vodka, kahlua and milk (I feel ill just thinking about it)… going back in time to 1990 and 1999… the Candyman, Amahl and a wedding (there is so much I could say about that experience of mine but I won’t at this point)… oh, the times they are a changing… a train into the city again… six years later… different point of origin but the destination the same… even the Hard Rock Café hasn’t changed at all… a cab driver who hadn’t got any action in a while, the Shedd Aquarium and a friendly beluga whale who resembled an albino seal… Navy Pier, Joe’s Be-Bop Café, the freezing cold and a train ride back home (I still have the ticket stubs as souvenirs)… Moroccan takeaway and A Hard Days Night… another crazy drunken night with me myself and I (also with you me and you for quite a while)… the final day… hotdogs and the unyielding search for Levis 517… steak, white sauce and asparagus… O’Hare airport again… saying goodbye is getting so tiresome and painful… I want to live in a world where I never have to say goodbye to the people I love… that world hasn’t been invented yet, so for now its goodbye again… thank you for another awesome Chicago experience… you’re the last I’m going to see of family for a while to come… God bless and god speed!

1 comment:

Nat said...

I'm so glad you've finally started a blog. Keep posting and happy writing.