So, the party was mad. I wish I could give you some highlights but I really don’t remember anything. Not in the ‘I was so wasted and can’t remember a thing’ way but it was all just a blur and there were so many people and conversations happening at the same time that by the end of the night I had no clue what had happened. I was just very drunk as was everyone else and I can chalk it up as another wild night to my ever-so-long list of wild nights. I did some quick mental math also (ok I lied, I had to use my fingers and also some pen and paper) and there were 26 people in total including my household and only 2 people didn’t drink (one was driving and the other is a teetotaller) and everyone brought shitloads of alcohol… and I mean, shitloads… and this was hard alcohol… whisky, bourbon, vodka, rum… no baby stuff for us… it was about 15 bottles in total… the next morning I looked and there was 1 bottle of Smirnoff left, half a bottle of Bacardi, half a bottle of Malibu and some dreadful UDL (disgusting vodka pre-mixes) cans, some of which have been there since last New Years. So basically 24 people polished off about 12 bottles of alcohol… that is so wrong and so right at the same time.
And speaking of alcohol, a couple of friends from work bought a whopping 1125ml bottle of Bacardi to bring to my party (because they are all aware of my rum obsession) and they hid it in the office and forgot to bring it along that night and now it is sitting here on my desk taunting me in its full alcoholic glory. I think I am going to put it back into hiding because it is frightening me a little.
One of my friends also did a quick drug run in between and brought us some stuff to smoke from his house. And we smoked it in the cutest little pipe… it was so small and shiny and cute.
All of the pictures are of drunk faces… I was too busy getting drunk to worry about blog-worthy photos. Anyway, I have blurred a couple for your viewing pleasure.
Here are some people taking vodka shots… I did not participate for the sake of my health and well-being

Here are the beautiful helium balloons that my friends from work got me. They are so bright and colourful and happy and I got immense pleasure from looking at them

Say Hello to Scooby Dooby Doo… the most popular guest at the party. One of my friends from work brought him along and I was rather concerned Scooby was going to poop all over the carpet and add to the general alcohol and food stains. But Scooby was very well-behaved and everyone lavished much attention on him and didn’t want him to leave. Poor little Scooby was originally a farm dog (he belonged to my friend’s husband, the farmer who gave me those shot glasses and liquor bottles) but he was never cut out to be a farm dog and I think the cows terrified him no end and he was basically very traumatised and they gave him to this guy G at work and he’s like this single, middle-aged guy and they basically love each other to death now and it was the start of a very beautiful relationship. So that’s the story of Scooby.

I received some nice presents from friends who came to the party also. Firstly my four work friends who sit around me at work wrote the most random, rambling convoluted tale about me and my dog Holly based on all the nonsense I’ve ever said to them over 1.5 years. I would share it with you, only you’d think they or me (or both) were on crack! It was very sweet, all the same. They also got me Lazy Shit from the Turd family. We got another friend Dumb Shit a while back and slowly we must build the whole family.
I also received:

a Beatles Abbey Road LP
a Beatles ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ DVD
a beautiful chain
a beautiful bracelet
a funky MNG top
a really cool lantern type thing with candle
some yummy Ferrero Rochers (which have been attacked already)
some flowers and a bottle of wine
Birthdays I tell you… how I love them!
And what a lovely surprise I received in the mail yesterday… this year, I only received ONE greeting card by post from my grandparents and am very surprised I didn’t get a few from my parents and sister. So anyway, yesterday, I received this beautiful handwritten letter from my favourite girls in the whole world, Rat and Sista T.

It is as beautiful as some of the stuff we made when we were 11 and discovered glitter pens and things for the first time – even the handwriting is the same. Isn’t it funny how their handwriting hasn’t changed all that much since we were 11 and yet here we are at 24 (and 23 for baby Sista T) and one is a successful blogger operating out of Madras and another is an expectant mother waiting for baby in Delhi and the third is a smoker looking to escape corporate life in Melbourne. How the world turns and pulls us along.
Ok, that was my philosophy for my 24th year. I will leave you now. Wake me up when November ends because that’s when the next love-attention-party-drugs-alcohol-presents fest of Christmas begins!!
thats the way. sounds just about right for a birthday!
loooong looong post ...
but nice....
happy birthday and all :)
Hmmm how nice of you to assume that Scooby doesn't value his privacy. Hmmm...
Great party shots.. though most of my party pics come out blurred anyway.. no need for Photoshopping at all ! :)
Damn I was going to beg you for some Ferreros
We have given ourselves quite a bit of attention this year no ?? Hehe. Heres to a great year babe !!! Cheers !!
Oh goody, your birthday went off well! Hope the rest of the year is a blast as well.
PS: with what software do you do the blurring of faces..pardon my software illiteracy!
:) hello there.nice to see sumbody having a very very happy b'day! i've missed out on a lot staying in my tower, i s'pose!all those gifts are most tempting!
"I was just very drunk as was everyone else"
errr.. that does mean ‘I was so wasted and can’t remember a thing’.. hehe
what a blast!
Please stop showing off your gifts now..i've turned from green to purple to blue. :)
Akr: Yeah, it was awesome!
Ms. Iyer: Brevity is certainly not my forte ;) Thanks :)
Vignesh: Haha, you're right, that was rather bold of me to just go publish Scooby's face on the internet without his permission!
Ab: Here... have one.. there are still some left :)
Rat: Yeah, why were you spamming me with comments ;) Cheers!
Wanderstruck: Well I only have Macromedia Fireworks but most design people use Adobe Photoshop. And out of interest, do you not maintain a blog yourself or is it strictly private?
Rapunzel: You could always let down your hair and pull some presents up ;)
Cowlick: But I do remember... its just all very vague and disconnected ...
Beatrix Kiddo: Yes, some awesome friends and family couldn't be around but imagine if they had been :) I am so in love with that poster of mine... you should definitely frame some posters... makes them look way cooler!
D: It was... very boring now that it's all over!
Lavi: I'm sure blue is a very nice colour on you :)
oh i do, and its public.
my site links to yours actually :-)
thanks heaps ..
i hope it gets better soon too.i know he works with me .. so ill hope that i can drown him out or something !
hope you enjoyed your birthday week PL! been bombarded with birthdays all of a sudden!!
Awesome Beatles stuff you have there. I have the HArd DAy's Night DVD, but Abbey Road LP is just toooooooooooooo much. Do you have an LP player ?
Sounds like one great alocoholic party! Cheers! :)
Happy Belated B'day again!
Wanderstruck: I checked it out today:) Your profile is still private though!
Ms. Iyer: Or look for a better job?
Tartrazina: It was awesome fun. I know... too many parents got naughty in Jan, I think!
Sharad: Yes I do actually. But I only have about 4 LPs... all Beatles (and 1 Lennon) ;)
SBK: Thanks :) It seems my alcoholic lifestyle never changes...
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